Global Repair & Maintenence Management System
Product Benefits

GRAMMS (Global Repair and Maintenance Management System)
Has been developed from a real industry need recognised by Robert Brown, who has over 20 years experience in the Reefer and Depot servicing Industry. For the Industry Service Provider, it is a highly focused work tool saving time and money. For the Industry Owner/ Carrier, it is the most up to date open-ended reporting, approval and monitoring system available.

GRAMMS is a data capture, centralised database and distributed management system, which connects Service Providers and Container Owners, no matter where they are in the world.
Now, Service Providers using GRAMMS, can lodge their quotation for instant approval. No longer is it necessary to fax or enter information into proprietary systems and wait days for approval. It can be immediately posted on the database for Owners to access from any Internet point, for instant approval.
It is fully scalable, and can be operated from any location. It takes advantage of scanning technology for data capture and input, the speed of the Internet for distribution of information, and database systems for consolidation and report.

In it's purest form it works like this: The repairer identifies the container by information seen from the database related to the container number. Using a hand held scanner he scans the affixed D2 barcode, this gives him the current status and past history of the container.

He assesses the container and using the software features on the handheld unit, prepares a quotation. These features include the complete manufacturers price lists, agreed labour rates, any other negotiated owner requirements and template prompts from required sections. The owner required quotation is then uploaded into the database for approval. No faxes or hard copy required - no entering into proprietary systems is necessary. The information is only accessible by those issued with passwords. All data for owners can be exported into their own systems if they have the need.

The owner now has immediate access for approval, rejection or special instructions. He can make notation or simply tick boxes. The information entered changes the status of the container and the supplier responds accordingly. On completion final costs or variations are entered and the status of the container indicated. Our colour-coded database allows the owner to quickly view the status of his container fleet, in order to manage his various assignments.

The Supplier prints out and affixes a new barcode containing the complete information of repairs completed and temperature requirements for the cargo. The temperature can now be monitored daily if need be and entered into the database either by the handheld unit or a traditional computer terminal. All that is required is Internet access.

GRAMMS, supports the Cedex coding system and carries all of the latest parts manufacturers price lists. As all manufacturers parts are currently packaged and delivered with barcodes it is quite simple to scan all packages when preparing invoices, to both identify and verify parts and also when auditing vessel spare parts kits.
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